Lady smiling

Mrs Tara Pandey

Tara Pandey

Life before Longacre

I worked for many years in Advertising and PR in London before completing an Art Degree at the London College of Printing as a mature student. After this I ran my own photography business before the birth of my son in 2005 who joined Longacre in Kindergarten.

Roles at School

After joining Longacre in 2010 to work in Form II it was a couple of years later that I was lucky enough to take over the Head of Art & DT role. I am passionate about the creative arts and the effect it has on the lives of children. I believe everyone is creative and it is about tapping in to the individual’s imagination and confidence to fully explore this side of all of us.  Alongside Mrs Elwood, we run a vibrant and exciting department which includes many visiting artists, workshops, clubs and gallery visits.  It is with great pleasure that I start the 2021 academic year at as Assistant Head (Wellbeing). It is a role I have dreamed of in my 10 years at this wonderful school and I only hope that I can serve the children, staff and parents to enrich and support our whole Longacre community.

Away from the Classroom

Away from the classroom I have always made my own art – from painting to ceramics; I love learning new techniques. I’m also a keen exerciser, theatre goer and an avid reader as well as loving travel and visiting new countries.