
Able, Gifted & Talented (AGT)

All schools have a register of children who are gifted, but Longacre goes beyond this – our teachers challenge, engage, question and mentor. Work is differentiated accordingly with separate, appropriate tasks created for this purpose or children joining much higher sets. We endeavour to create a whole school ethos which affirms high achievement and encourages maximum development.

A list of those pupils that have been identified as able, gifted or talented is kept by the AGT Co-ordinator and reviewed and updated termly. The wider staff team are informed of the pupil’s abilities, enabling the preparation of work which will sufficiently challenge and extend the pupil within and beyond the classroom.  Able, gifted and talented pupils are identified by making a judgement based on an analysis of various sources of information including teacher nomination and data test results.

We offer many opportunities for our pupils to recognise and develop their gifts and talents. In the classroom, the teacher will set differentiated and extension tasks that increase the depth of study in a specific area and there are also opportunities for all pupils to learn outside of the classroom environment. The school provides enriched and extended activities for pupils and parents, and pupils are informed about how the school intends to support the child’s academic development and how this can be further supported at home.

The range and diversity of our enrichment provision allows our children to further develop their skills and to discover new talents to enhance the formal curriculum. These activities include:

  • Art Masters
  • Drama Masters
  • Music and Chamber Choir Masters
  • Various sports masterclasses
  • Challenge Club
  • Science Club
  • Educational visits
  • Practical workshops
  • Visiting speakers