
Kindergarten Daily Routine

Each new morning brings a different journey for every child. The team always have different and exciting resources ready for the children to use either in their child-initiated learning or the adult led activities. The children benefit from our array of qualified specialist teachers and each day there is a different specialist lesson as you can see from the table below. Parents are given regular updates on their child’s specific learning and achievements via Tapestry.  

7:30am Optional Early Morning Care
8:30am Morning welcome and free play
9:00am Registration and carpet time including number and sound of the week

Wednesday: Forest School

Thursday: Music

Friday: P.E.

Free flow inside and outside play including child-initiated learning and adult led activities


Monday: P.E.

Tuesday: Music

Free flow inside and outside play including child-initiated learning and adult led activities

11:45am Tidy up and story time
12:00pm Lunch time
1:00pm Home time for children doing a morning session only

Thursday: Forest School

Free flow inside and outside play including child-initiated learning and adult led activities

3:15pm Tidy up and story time
3:30pm Home time
4:00pm – 6:00pm Optional After School Care


Now Offering Year Round Nursery

School Adventure Open Morning Saturday 28th September
Nursery Open Morning October 12th