
Creative Arts Week

Posted: 16th June 2017

The children have had a gorgeously creative time this week.  We kicked off on Monday with a performance of scenes from ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by our Drama Masters pupils and moved swiftly into our hat making sessions with our forms in the afternoon.  What fantastic hats were made and the children had a super time, ready to wear them all on Friday. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have the Yvonne Arnaud Youth Theatre group come in and perform a specially written ‘Alice in Wonderland’ play for the children. On Wednesday Mr Attwood had some special music classes including the Form VI’s creating their own Alice in Wonderland rap! Thursday was creative writing day as part of our usual English lessons and of course, Friday saw the opening of our Surrealist inspired art exhibition in the foyer of the Palmer Hall which includes work from every child in the school.  Grandparents, parents and children alike all enjoyed the bands, art exhibition, ice cream, tea party and bubbles – a super creative week was had by all!

Mrs Pandey

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