
Challenge Club

Posted: 22nd September 2017

During the summer holidays 10 new  Micro:Bits arrived on my desk, I excitedly opened the package and got tinkering! The BBC Micro:Bit is a pocket-sized codeable computer with motion detection, a built-in compass and Bluetooth technology, which was given free to every child in year 7 or equivalent across the UK in 2016. It is a fantastic tool to use with the children and to test it out, I thought I would start with my Computing Gifted & Talented children.

After introducing them to the Micro:Bit and its accessories during Tuesday lunchtimes ‘Challenge Club’ we plugged it in and got coding! The pupils were thoroughly excited and our first task was getting the Micro:Bit to read their names and ‘Longacre’ across the LED matrix.

Over the next few weeks I’m looking forward to seeing what we can do next with them as well as encouraging the pupils to get coding independently and use their ‘Curiosity’, ‘Creativity’ and ‘Craftsmanlike’ skills.

Mrs Forrest, Able, Gifted & Talented Coordinator

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