
Gifted & Talented Sports Trip to Reed’s School

Posted: 13th June 2019

Longacre’s Gifted & Talented Sports Club went on another incredible trip to Reed’s School this week. The pupils were quickly greeted and led to their first session with Mr Garrard (Hockey Professional and two times GB Olympian). This was the first time the group have had a session with Mr Garrard. He led the pupils through a variety of hockey activities aimed at improving their stick control and body position. After this session the pupils had the opportunity to be coached by Mr Pope (Rugby Professional). For many of the Longacre pupils this was their second session with the very enthusiastic Mr Pope. He was very impressed by their ability level and skill execution and made a thoughtful comment about the positive learning attitude of the entire class.

After rugby the pupils made their way to the school’s state of the art Cricket Centre where Mr Medlycott (Cricket Professional) ran a series of enjoyable and innovative activities assessing the pupil’s cricket skills. They also had a chance to experience one of the many professional bowling machines the school uses for their pupils and elite sportsmen.

To finish off the day’s activities, Mr Haining (Head of Strength and Conditioning) explored the group’s movement skills and improvements from their last visit. He was incredibly impressed with the distance they had come over the past year and recognised all the effort and hard work that they have clearly been putting into their development.

The pupils relished visiting the school (some for the first time) and will never forget the knowledge and expertise they have learnt. A huge thank you to Reed’s School, Mr Edwards, Mr Pope, Mr Medlycott, Mr Garrard, Mr Haining and the entire Reed’s Sports Department for another fantastic day.

Mr Blewitt

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