
Author Visit Lucy Reynolds

Posted: 28th April 2022

students listening to a story

The children from Nursery to Form I were enthralled by author Lucy Reynolds’ visit on Wednesday. Lucy read from her book ‘We are Family’ showing the diversity of all sorts of animal families and how it mirrors humans. Nursery and Kindergarten looked at different animal babies before moving on to some of the less lovely things that baby animals eat. Did you know that a baby koala will eat its own Mum’s poo to prepare its stomach for the difficult job of digesting eucalyptus leaves?

Reception and Form I also enjoyed this part of the talk before Reception learned an easy method of drawing koalas and Form I drew a storyboard about a rabbit finding an enormous parsnip.

Lucy was engaging, humorous and had a wonderful way with the children. We hope to get her back again next term to share one of her other books.

Rob Bartlett

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